as i scooped the eggs into my mouth i could hear the crunch of the onions in the mix. i pushed it back and forth in m y mouth and moved it towards my mullers where i smashed it into bits and pieces. as i swallow the juiceless musch i could taste the spicy natural flavors of the onions this was a shock to my tastebuds. i swallowed the onion and felt the same spice travel down my throat and feel the tingling sensation as my throat feels as if it was on fire.
needing it i drank a bit of water and felt the cool breeze of releif rush through my mouth and down my throat. i felt as if a dam broke through and made its way into my mouth. i felt that my mouth said thanks to me for they felt cleaner and breezier. the cleaning sensation to me felt as if was sking down a mountain where the wind rushes into my mouth and the smell of pine trees sore pass me.as the water gush into my troat my throat also says thanks to me for supplying them with water to quench the fire that was burning my troat.
once done i took another bite of the eggs this time both the ham and egg made its way to my mouth. as if it was in a rubber room the two bounced and bounced about and cheer as i toss them around my mouth. i push the salty combination about the mullers of my mouth and drain it of its juices as i squeesh the dinner into little tiny particles that even man is not able to see. i then swallow the pummeled remains of my dinner.
next i ate the peas that was drenched in the saltyness of the ham. the salt covered pea fit perfectly in my mouth as i squeesed it with my mullers i could taste the juices that poured out of the pea. balancing the salty flavor from before, my mouth rejoiced as if it was freed from the prison of salt that it suffered before. as i swallowed the skin of the peas it bounced about my troat and exacts revenge on me for eating it. however, the revenge was not successful as i swallowed it even faster.
as i put the rice in my mouth i felt that i was eating airs and the clouds that roam the skies. the tasteless rice than made its way to the two ends of my mouth and was crushed and pummeled till a little rice cake like shape was formed. the rice soon made its way to my troat where i digested it calmly and freely.
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