Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Supermarket write-Up
once i got to the supermarket i looked at all the different groceries through te economical and nutritional lenses.
i asked if soda will help me?
how come the cans cost a few cents more than the 2 liter bottles?
why is there so many varieties of one type of cracker/ brand?
do the way they look affect their taste?
100 cal packs cost more but have less.
who/ what made and why is there lite butter popcorn?
why buy name brands when generic cost less?
is Thai brand noodles really thai food?
do i really need 25 plus grams of sugar?
why organic products help me develop and perform better inm y everyday activities?
will i be more energized by eating organic?
2 big bottles of beer costs less and have more than a six pack?
eventhough drinking is condemned why do we drink it?
why do flavored food cost more than regular flavors?
i kept asking myself if i needed this and its price and i also asked myself if this was needed in my diet. in this trip to the supermarket i now question what i eat even more and i ask myself why and how do i eat.
Monday, February 12, 2007
Fast Food
Initial exploration of food teams Part 2
- Leghorn chickens - Rockin' Rooster Arizona
- Iowa
we could also buy them from a pet store, or buy one from a neighbor in the city. other ways of getting a chicken is by adopting one from an animal shelter, such as, chicken run rescue, and other adoption agencies.
some breeds that we could get are ones that could be in the cold weather or be really affectionate to us. however, any chicken that we could get is fine.
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Intial Exploration of food teams
- we can start right away. if we get baby chicks the chicken will become highly affectionate to us easily. however, we will still have to wait for it to grow in to a chicken hen. if we were to get a hen we would have to start to build a cope for the chicken. and we will be able to start instantly.
- we will first build a cope with a fence around it. then we will have to spend at least 10 minutes with the chicken and feed it regularly so it will be affectionate to us. we could than wait for the chicken to lay as many eggs as it wants to. however we must give it the space to roam around so we could have good eggs.
- we could raise chickens of almost any breed of chicken. however some breeds are actually harder to find such as the phoenix breed. my advice is that we should raise any breed of chicken that is actually available to us. however, i think we should go with the Brahma chicken. this breed of chickens are not that intelligent but easy to handle. however, if we want eggs right a way we could go with the Plymouth Rock chicken. they lay eggs year round with a slight decrease of production during the winter. however if we want chickens known for their meat and eggs the Dorking chicken could be the best way to go. it is the most common chicken we see on our dinner tables. however, it needs protection from the weather in the winter. but if we want chicks we could go with the rare Hamburg chicken. this chicken matures easily and are also known to be good egg producers but their eggs are rather small. or we could go with the Rhode Island Red chicken. this chicken are popular amongst Americans and are raised for their meat, eggs, or show.
- some issues are the cleanliest of the chicken and the roof garden. with the avian flu going around it will be a big risk to raise a potential candidate for the flu in captivity. other problems could be the weather and the schedule we have with vacations and weekends it will be hard to raise a chicken and give it the affection it deserves.
Friday, February 9, 2007
What would I eat?
for lunch i will have some soup noodles, sashimi, and other type of sushi. on the second day i will have a big gigantic sandwiches, some tuna, and some roast beef. the third day i will probably have rice with chicken and pork.
for dinner i will have steak and a bowl of white rice. the next day i will have some tomatoe with eggs and white rice, and the last day i will have a dinner with my family. it doesn't matter what i eat its only dinner.
generally people should just eat a little of everything. because that's what i eat a little of everything and i'm pretty healthy. alittle vegetables, a little meat, a little fish, and a little fruit.
Thursday, February 8, 2007
Introduction to Locally Availiable Apple Cider

Apple cider are created by crushed apples that are left over from a previous day. Like apple juices it contains the nectar of the apples. however, unlike the juice it has no or very little added sugar so it still have the natural tarty-ness that an apple will have. the way these farmers make apple cider is by crushing a good amount of apples. this amount can contain many different type of apples from Macintosh to Granny Smith apples. in my opinion this gives it a good general apple taste. once ready the apple cider is then poured into a container and sold at the local market.
in this market the apple cider comes in a variety of different sizes such as, a pint, a quart, and a gallon. however in this case i brought a quart. in this quart there are 4 servings at Serving Size 8 fl oz (236mL). and the nutritious values are as followed:
Calories 120
Total Fat 0g 0%
Sodium 60mg 3%
Potassium 135mg 4%
Total Carbohydrate 30g 10%
Sugars 30g
Protein 0g
In another markets that sell similar items some of the apples used are organic. and others they don't add any sugar to it. however, in this market there are 30g of sugar added to the cider itself. probably gives it a sweetness and tastes vary much like apple juice. however the tarty flavor is still present.
apple cider is more nutritious than other beverages because it, though is in liquid form still have all the nutrients of an apple. while apple juices may have many added preservatives and food colorings that may put ones health at risk.
Apple cider is produced in any farm and all apple farms. however, in this case we used Caradonna Farms. The farm is in Caradonna Family, Marlboro, NY. The contact number is
845-236-3123. this was because it was the cheapest ones.
for more links on apple cider check out these sites:
Wednesday, February 7, 2007
Monday, February 5, 2007

Saturday, February 3, 2007
My meal

This is one of my meals. I had the staples to a Chinese meal, white rice, Chinese vegetables, roast pork ribs, and chicken wings.
The white rice like any white rice you have eaten tastes basically the same. However the way I prepare it is that I put a little more water in the pot. This makes the rice a lot fluffier and moist. I like eating rice that is like this because with the added water the rice temperature is much higher than dry rice and has a certain touch to it. When placed in the mouth it not only warms me up but gives me a little sensation to it. It’s almost like a certain foreign ingredient is added to it that gives it this kick. Maybe it’s the taste of the past meals left in the pot or the metal in the pot that gives it this extra kick.
The vegetables, like I said before is a staple to the Chinese meal. No matter what day it is or what meal it is a meal isn’t complete without a healthy portion of steam vegetables. The way these vegetables are prepared is that we boil it in a pot with water salt and a little of oil. This brings out the natural flavors of the vegetables, lets it cook quicker, than and as well as gives it a little taste. When boiling you could stop it when ever you want to the ideal time for it is about 5 to 10 minutes. However this was topped at 2 minutes. This gives it a nice crunchy taste. We then pour out the water and drain the vegetables. We stopped it prematurely because we don’t want to over cook it in the wok. This was stir fried with a little of oil and oyster sauce. This gives it a bit more flavor. When eating this at first I tasted a little blandest from the vegetables. This is the vegetables natural taste. Then later on it started to taste the ingredients mixed in the oyster sauce gave it a sweet taste that made it delight able.
The fried chicken wings, even though is not a staple, it is a special dish that my father made. It is mixed in a secret batter that he uses to make it taste different from other restaurants, and stands out from the other chefs. Once mixed properly the wings are put in to the fryer where it should fry for 15 minutes or until it floats up. By floating up this means that the batter, skin and a small portion of meat have been fried so much that it is mostly air. Upon tasting it the wings have a crunchy felling to it that made me happy. Whenever I eat something crunchy it makes me happy whether its meat or vegetable. It first has a cinnamon no wait pepper no way garlic. It’s a weird taste that makes it seem mysterious. Even if you could taste the ingredient you can’t pin point which is which and what is what till now I still can’t tell what it is with just tasting.
The next is roast pork this isn’t the like the barbequed kind. This is cooked all at once and is cooked in a different way. It’s first cut open then the skin is roasted this makes it so the heat reaches the inside as well as the out side. Like fried food the pork is cooked until the skin is crisped. The taste of it is bland and really has the taste of meat. It’s probably seasoned but I don’t know with what. It is usually dipped in hoisen sauce where it takes in a sweet taste. It is also accompanied with a light sour taste but it’s like the taste isn’t really there.
Thursday, February 1, 2007
refrigerated food
- 6 yogurts
- a bag of bok-choy
- 1/2 of a left over fish
- 23 tangerines
- 1/2 gallon of milk
- 1/2 gallon of orange juice
- fresh broccoli
- dried salted fish
- dried pig meat
- a bag of frozen dorians
- 4 tomatoes
- chop sticks, forks, spoons
- gallon of water
- 8 bags of frozen dumplings
- ice cubes